
about the girl

Hi there, I'm Amanda, the girl who bakes anything and everything. 

I live in the D.C. suburbs with my lime green stand mixer and hyperactive kitten. When I'm not in the kitchen, I'm usually behind the lens of a camera, snagging some endorphins at the gym, catching up on Netflix, or on an (often food-related) adventure.

For the unabridged tale about why I started this blog, you can click here to read my very first entry all those years ago. The quick-and-dirty version is that I got healthy, lost a lot of weight, and plan to keep it off for the rest of my life. The problem? I love to bake, which involves being around things like chocolate and butter and icing on a regular basis. The solution? Figure out the best ways to bake nutritiously and responsibly most of the time, splurge some times, and share the tips and tricks I find to make that happen.

Want to know how my kitten helps me bake? Or what to do if you don't have an ingredient? What my favorite spice is? Have a recipe request? You can email me at