
Monday, February 10, 2014

well, well, look who's back

You know when the world makes something so obvious it's hard to ignore? Yup, me too.

In the past week three interesting things have happened. First, I received a very sweet email from a reader (Hi, Michelle!) asking what had happened to me and my blog. Then, a friend from graduate school asked me if I could share a recipe of a photo I had posted on Instagram. Last, I found out that this little corner of the Internet still receives several hundred page views a day.

The kind email made me smile to myself and reminisce. The friendly request made me remember how much I love photographing and sharing useful and delicious recipes. But the last tidbit, the fact that people out there (you all!) are still clicking over here (to me!), really got me thinking.

I know a lot of dust has collected, 882 days worth to be exact, but I've missed this place and connecting with all of you. Plus, it would be downright rude of me to tune out life's very clear sign to get back to blogging, especially since I have kept baking and snapping (far less fancy) photos of the results. To prove it, a sampling of evidence below!

(White Chocolate Pistachio Biscotti, Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns, Blueberry Muffins, and Gluten Free Almond Joy Pie)