Tuesday, March 29, 2011

top secret recipe: my sister's chocolate chip cookies

prepare yourself. this recipe is going to change your life. but first, a totally adorable childhood photo and a story:

my little sister sarah is actually the baker in the family. she's been coming up with delicious recipes since before she was old enough to safely use an oven and her chocolate chip cookies are, by far, the most addictive of them all. when she came to visit me this weekend she whipped up a batch and it has taken every ounce of willpower i have not to eat them all in one sitting.

before we made these this weekend she had always kept the recipe super secret. she never wrote it down, did the entire thing basically by sight, and the cookies always came out perfectly. luck? magic? genius? all of the above?

in her debut as a guest blogger - and let's be real, it was only a matter of time - she is bequeathing the recipe to you all. i know, i'm psyched too. to be honest, i'll be making triplicates and opening a safe deposit box just to keep them. i suggest you all do too. 

for someone who is a total control freak (me) and measures out everything (me) i was astounded when my sister just started pouring measurements out in her hand. she's a total professional. 

my favorite job since day one has always been mixing in the chocolate chips and this weekend was no exception. there is just something about folding in these morsels of goodness into an already outstanding dough base. 

i'll warn you, these cookies are spreaders. i ended up doing six to a sheet to make sure that i didn't get a giant cookie blob, so make sure to leave your cookies some room to breathe.

another warning, these cookies take on these amoeba shapes that i find completely endearing. this is a homemade-looking cookie. no chips ahoy circle perfection in this recipe, which is reason #92832 why it is fantastic.

and, as if you need another excuse to make these cookies, i'm going to end with a gratuitous close up. just try to resist.

sarah's top secret chocolate chip cookies

yields 4 dozen


1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda 
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips 

1. preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and line baking sheet with parchment paper.

2.  cream sugars and butter in the stand of a mixing bowl until light and fluffy. add egg and vanilla and mix until evenly combined.

3. add flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon to mixing bowl and combine.

4. add chocolate chips and stir by hand until evenly distributed.

5. drop cookies six to a sheet and baking for 8-12 minutes or until golden brown, rotating halfway through.

6. let cookies rest for 2-3 minutes on baking sheet before carefully transferring to wire rack.

nutritional information:

calories: 108, fat: 5.21g, cholesterol: 14mg, sodium: 102mg, carbs: 15.06g, fiber: 0.46g, sugars: 11.51g, protein: 0.78g. 

thanks for reading & happy baking!



  1. Yum! These look delicious! Do you mind telling what kind of camera you use? Your shots are great!

  2. @Annie

    thank you! they really are the best. i'm currently shooting with a nikon d40, but i'm considering upgrading soon.

  3. I'm always on the lookout for the best chocolate chip cookies! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight at http://www.makeandtakes.com/spotlight

  4. I would love to bake these cookies...but I would like to know how big to make the cookie dough blobs when you put them on the cookies sheet. Do you drop by rounded tablespoons..or a small cookie scoop...what size? You say 6 to a sheet..with that much butter...you know they are going to spread like crazy!! Thanks so much.

  5. @Michele

    thanks for your question! i used a mini scooper that i have that holds a little less than a tablespoon. if you end up making them, please let me know how they turn out.

    1. I just made these but with a gluten free baking flour, they are delicious!!! Thank you for the recipe :)

  6. I love "spread-y" cookies. Sisters are the best! :)

  7. ohh your recipes always look lovely... i cant wait to try this one out. props your sister :)

  8. These look so good! And I love the amoeba shapes too!

  9. I think these look so amazing! With all that sugar and butter it's only 100 calories? well, I wouldn't be able to stop at one cookie...

  10. Mmmmm..these cookies look delicious. They seem pretty thin so are they pretty crispy?

  11. 2 cups of sugar in these cookies? aren't they too sweet?

  12. @Katie

    totally agree! especially ones who share recipes!

  13. @Amanda

    thanks, amanda! and i will definitely pass the word on to her!

  14. @Cakebrain

    i know, right?! it's all about portion size!

  15. @0e326564-5b5e-11e0-a2c2-000bcdcb5194

    i find for the first day or so they actually stay more chewy, but after that they do crispen up. you could under-bake them a bit if you like your cookies less crisp.

  16. @CarinE

    i find that the sugars actually caramelize more than anything else, which gives the cookies a very prominent toffee flavor. if you think they will be too sweet for you feel free to cut back a little on the sugar. let me know how they turn out!

  17. just found your blog! so in love with it :) thank you for a low cal cookie recipe

  18. I always have room for more chocolate chip cookies. So good.

  19. I saw your photo on food gawker and just had to make these. I think mine are too big but still delicious. There really isn't much better than warm chocolate chip cookies and milk :).

  20. @Lisa

    thank you! i'm so glad you enjoyed these!

  21. i made these today and they turned out great! only made one change though - 1/2 cup sugar each instead of a full cup, which better suited our taste. i made a big batch of them to give out to the families we're visiting this weekend. thank you for sharing!

  22. I've been looking for a recipe EXACTLY like this for a long, long time. Just made them this morning, but halved everything--these were sensational. Your sister is a genius.

    So good, in fact, that I'm blogging about it (with crappy pictures, sadly): http://www.dylancooks.com

  23. @Dylan Katz

    she is a total genius. i also halved the recipe when i made it because i couldn't handle so many of these in my house. they're just too good!

  24. I am so attracted to the shape and apparent texture of these cookies ... I mean, they're just chocolate chip cookies but they look super special!

  25. I made these, but halved the recipe, and then halved the sugars. Very yummy and plenty sweet with even a decrease in sugar (love the cinnamon!). Mine were browning although the interior remained quite undercooked and doughy. I had no problems with that (my kind of cookie!), but I wonder if it was the decrease in sugars that resulted in that. Regardless, I'm baking these again, tonight. :) Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Yes, halving the sugar will do that. The sugar acts like a liquid and helps the cookie spread and crisp up. Try cutting the sugar back by 25%. 3/4 c. each white and brown sugar.

  26. I tried out this recipe earlier today and it worked like a charm and turned out beautiful! Its really yummy,and probably one of the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever (:
    Keep up the good work!

  27. I just have to say this has become my go-to recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They are just so delicious!! The little bit of cinnamon goes a long way and they are so thin and crispy!

    I really don't think I'll find a recipe that beats this. thank you so much for sharing it <3

  28. These cookies were pretty awesome. Thin, crispy, and chewy, but i was wondering if there's any way to reduce the amount of sugar. Because of the cinnamon, I found them way too sweet! Please let me know when you get the chance! :)

  29. I made this cookies for the first time about a month ago. They were a HUGE hit with my husband - who is very particular about his chocolate chip cookies! When I first told him they had cinnamon in them, I could tell he didn't think he'd like them that much. He just requested them again today. Haha! He LOVED them! And I loved them too!!! DELISH!!!

  30. This is the cookie of my dreams. Honest to god, I've been googling "thin and crispy chocolate chip cookie" for what feels like my entire life. I found your site though Pinterest and I have just two words: THANK YOU!

  31. Attempting to make this cookie for a class. I can burn something in an easy bake oven so wish me luck =)

  32. they look awesome! i am going to try baking these this weekend with my girls :)

  33. Came across this recipe on Pinterest...made them just minutes ago...they are the BEST chocolate chip cookies...EVA!! Tell your sister thanks so much! =)

  34. As advertised, these were awesome. I may never make another chocolate chip cookie!

  35. Made these today! Turned out so yummy! I didn't have a full cup of butter so I halved everything. Mine didn't spread out as much but they were still very good! Thank you for the recipe! I posted it on my blog. You can see my photos here: http://myscraptales.blogspot.ca/2012/06/commercial-break-lets-make-some-cookies.html

    Thank your sister!! :)

  36. OH my gosh! I've been on the hunt for the perfect cookie, and I think I just found it! Trying these tonight. :) You and your sister are absolutely adorable, by the way.

  37. What is the serving size for the nutrition facts that you posted?

  38. What happens if u use salted butter?

    1. I used salted butter and omitted the salt turned out great!

  39. I made these today (doing everything the same besides cutting the cinnamon down to 1 tsp), and they turned out wonderfully! Thank you so much to you and your sister for sharing this recipe. Funnily enough, my own sister had specifically requested thin and crisp chocolate chip cookies, and that's how I stumbled on your post after a lot of googling (that first picture completely sold me). My whole family and I loved them. And I think this is the first time my cookies actually ended up looking exactly like the ones in the pictures! The amoeba shape is definitely one of my favorite things about them. This will definitely be one of my go-to recipes, thanks again :)

  40. I just made these OMG! Best ever! My new go to recipe.

  41. This is one of my favorite recipes. If you're looking for a recipe with less butter I suggest subbing greek yogurt for half the butter (I think it's 1/4 cup yogurt to 1/2 cup butter- you can find the exact sub on the Chobani website). They come out almost the same, but they're a little fluffier. Not a big difference, but it's my dad's favorite (and he hates anything healthy). I love the cinnamon, I double it. These are so easy and fast to make!

  42. OMG! The cookie dough alone is to die for!!!! My cookies are in the oven right now and I can't wait for them to come out...I have a glass of milk in the freezer getting a nice frosty crust on it just waiting for my cookies! Thanks for sharing!!!

  43. I made these today, and while they taste lovely, they look nothing like the image shown, which is what initially drew me to the recipe. The only thing I did differently to the recipe was to use golden caster sugar in place of the brown. Mine ended up much thicker than in the picture and completely smooth with no lovely lumpy bits like yours. I used the tbsp part of my set of measuring spoons to scoop the dough onto the baking sheet. Have you any idea where I went wrong or what I could do to get an outcome like yours? Would chilling the dough before baking make a difference do you think?

  44. I've been searching for a flat cookie recipe for over a year and this recipe is the winning one!!! I'm so happy that I found it and am even more happy that you shared this recipe! Thank you so much!!!

  45. Ok, I made these and they look just like the picture. Hope they taste as good, too.

  46. I tried this the other day, I drizzled some honey on top of them, they were a tasty snack. :)
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  47. I just made these. AMAZING. Look just like the picture. I will forever use this recipe.

  48. I have always been a staunch demander of chewy, buttery cookies. Yet recently, I have been craving crispy cookies. I did a search on pinterest and came across this recipe. Luckily I had everything on hand and made these cookies in between making lemon bars. They turned out just like the picture! To my tongue, they tasted a little salty, but I will get a second (and third opinion) when my family returns. Also, this recipe is said to make 4 dozen cookies-mine made around 2 dozen large cookies.

    All told, I'm quite pleased and am happy to add a crispy chocolate chip cookie to my repertoire; thanks!

  49. Made these, cut the sugar and they came out great. Only thing with all that butter is they are greeeeeeasy! I liked my cooling racks with some napkins to soak up some of the grease while cooling, but still my hands are covered in buttery gloss every time I go for them :/ I guess with this kind of "spready" cookie it's bound to happen. Very tasty though

  50. the look of your cookies is fantastic but after making them i have to ask, how come your chips didnt melt? mine did and although the cookie flattened out like expected the chips also flattened so the end result didnt look anything like yours...
    also my own personal opinion is that the cinnamon spoils the cookies flavor. i used about half of what the recipe calls for and still found the cinnamon overpowering.

  51. The only chocolate chip cookie recipe my husband loves. He's a crispy cookie lover and won't let me make the traditional cookie with baking powder after I made a couple of batches of these. Mine come out super crispy but sooooooo buttery. Wondering how coconut oil would work in place of 1/2 the butter. Anyhow A++++++!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Made these tonight for desert for my son and me with the intention of taking the rest on a weekend getaway. Then my 6-year-old's friend came over. Then his sister. Then his other sister... the brother... and their mother. All just to say, there IS such a thing as too good! Luckily I socked a few away for later, but I'm going to make another batch for the weekend. They are delicious! Thank you for the recipe!

  54. These are my ideal cookie (and also produced the most delicious cookie dough I've ever tasted) so shout out to you and your sister for this crispy/chewy/toffee-y masterpiece

  55. Texture is amazing, but it's way too sweet for my family's taste... will try cutting down on sugar next time.


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  113. These are PERFECT cookies for my taste. Today I was really lazy and melted my butter, whisked all the ingredients except the flour and choc. chips, stirring in those at the end. Not creaming the butter made no difference! And I was out of parchment so put them right on the baking sheet and they did not stick, since there is so much butter in the recipe. So the recipe is even faster and easier if you do it my lazy way!

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